Welcome to Level Up For Charity!
Interested in raising money for charity? Contact us!
Charity work is our passion. We have worked with multiple organizations to help coordinate and raise money for various causes. If you’d like our help in learning how to create your own event, or would like to join our organization, contact us!
Eight Years and $60,000 Raised For Charity
From celebrity showmatches, tournament organization, charity gaming marathons or just even coming up with the craziest ideas, we help the world to the next level with our wide range of experience in charity gaming!
Daily Content on Twitch!
When we’re not planning for the next awesome charity event that we do, we stream six days a week on Twitch! You can check us out Monday through Saturday. Check Twitter for more details on times.
We play video games.
You help charities.
Our vision is to help bring gamers and communities together to help those that need it. From 36 hour charity marathons, to local tournaments, we help create it all.