Announcing Level Up For Suicide Prevention
Every year, we try to work with two charities to address items that we feel are tremendously important to support. This year, our spring event will be in partnership with American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Suicide is on the rise, not only in the United States, but around the world. A lot of us who read this post have either experienced the thought of suicide, or know someone who has. The facts behind Suicide are staggering, and are only on the climb year after year. But there are ways that we can step in. To understand some of the information, and more importantly, the reason why we’re doing this, is the statistics provided by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. You can check out more statistics here.
With that being said, we’re announcing our Level Up For Suicide Prevention event on April 11th and April 12th. Keep an eye out for additional details, including special guests, fundraising goals, and how you can help those that struggle with the contemplation of Suicide. Until then, as a reminder, if you or a loved one are experiencing a crisis, please call their National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)